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CATL is working on a more powerful sodium-ion battery:

CATL is developing the second generation of its sodium-ion batteries, which are designed to offer an energy density of 200 Wh/kg. Mid-2021 CATL was one of the first battery manufacturers to present its own sodium-ion battery. The first generation had an energy density of 160 Wh/kg according to the information available at the time. A second generation with 200 Wh/kg has now been announced. By comparison, lithium-ion batteries with liquid electrolyte are maxed out at around 350 Wh/kg.

More info: Exclusive:

Given the advancements in energy density from 160 Wh/kg to 200 Wh/kg in CATL’s sodium-ion batteries, what are the key technical challenges that need to be addressed to close the gap with lithium-ion batteries further? Please share your insights and potential solutions.

What do you think about the potential of sodium batteries? Please comment!

If you want to learn more about the different battery types, have a look into Track 1 of the EBBC: Battery Materials Training | EBBC ( In this track, the Fraunhofer ISC presents an alternative to conventional lithium-ion batteries.

Battery Materials

  • This reply was modified 4 months ago by EBBC Team.

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