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Online Expert Talk: »Energising Change: Can Green Policies Push the Battery Sector Forward« | November 25th, 2024, 1 pm – 2 pm CET

Start Forums Battery news Study Highlights Potential for Optimizing Battery Recycling in Europe

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  • #2231
    EBBC Team

    Study Highlights Potential for Optimizing Battery Recycling in Europe

    A recent study by the University of Münster has uncovered significant opportunities to enhance battery recycling processes across Europe. The research suggests that optimized recycling could lead to savings of up to 32 billion euros and a reduction of 32.5 million tons in CO2 emissions by 2040. Key recommendations include accelerating electrification, developing smaller batteries, utilizing second-life applications, and increasing the use of LFP batteries. These strategies could significantly improve the efficiency and sustainability of battery recycling in the region.

    What specific strategies will be the most effective in optimizing battery recycling? Do you believe accelerating electrification or increasing the use of LFP batteries will impact sustainability more? How can policymakers and industry leaders best support these initiatives? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section!

    For more details, read the full article

    • This topic was modified 2 months, 3 weeks ago by EBBC Team.
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